



Edit: Okay, I found a solution. Don't know that it's the proper solution, but it does work correctly. Added to the code below.

I'm trying to allow a user to select a number of directories from a checklist, and return them upon clicking a "Submit" button. Here's a snippet of my code. It populates the ListView with all the directories on /sdcard/, and for the initial selection (of however many I pick) when I submit, the log shows the correct choices returned. However, if I uncheck an item, and click "Submit" again, it still shows as if all are selected. Do I need to write a handler to uncheck an item? I thought that was taken care of by the choiceMode selection? Thanks!

private SparseBooleanArray a;    
directoryList.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_multiple_choice, directoryArray));
    submitButton = (Button)findViewById(;
    submitButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener()
        public void onClick(View v)
            a = new SparseBooleanArray();
            a = directoryList.getCheckedItemPositions();

            for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
                //added if statement to check for true. The SparseBooleanArray
                //seems to maintain the keys for the checked items, but it sets
                //the value to false. Adding a boolean check returns the correct result.                    
                if(a.valueAt(i) == true)
                    Log.v("Returned ", directoryArray[a.keyAt(i)]);


Did some more debugging and found a solution that worked for me. Edited into code above. For some reason, the SparseBooleanArray doesn't empty itself; it maintains the keys of the boxes that have been checked. When getCheckedItemPositions() is called, however, it sets the VALUE to false. So the key is still in the returned array, but it has a value of false. Only the checked boxes will be marked with a value of true.
