I have an ajax mail form like
- form_remote_tag :url=>mails_path,:condition=>"validate_mail()", :html => {:id=>"mailform",:method => :post, :class => 'ajax',:style=>"padding:15px;" } do |form|
= text_field_tag :name,params[:name],:class=>"title required"
= text_field_tag :phone,params[:phone],:size=>25,:class=>"title"
= text_field_tag :email,params[:email],:size=>30,:class=>"title required"
= text_field_tag :subject,params[:subject],:class=>"title required"
= text_area_tag :message,params[:message],:rows=>10,:cols=>45,:class=>"title required"
= submit_tag "Verstuur",:id=>"mailsubmit",:class=>"sendBtn"
%button{:onclick=>"$.fn.colorbox.close();"} Annuleer
The above code is in HAML. It makes an ajax form submit to a controller. I have to validate the fields before it makes a submit. So, I tried several stuff. I read this article http://hillemania.wordpress.com/2006/09/18/rails-ajax-pre-submit-form-validation/ and made a before callback to a test javascript function to validate. Here is the javascript validating function.
function validate_mail() {
alert("Your Name, Email, Subject and Body Content are Required !");
return false;
As per the above function, it returns false any way and the form should not get submitted but, it submits well ajaxically. Is there any other way, please help.