For the record, I decided to go with the Classic package.
I am detailing my decision considerations, hoping that this could be helpful to future Android newbies:
Aside from the ubiquitous RCP/Platform, the only plugin common to all 3 Android recommended packages (Java, RCP and Classic) is JDT.
In the near term, I don't expect to develop Eclipse plugins (PDE), but I do use version control (CVS). The "Java package" seems to best fit this.
On the other hand, the "Java package" also includes EMF, GEF, Mylyn and XML Tools. In my android project, it is unlikely that I will need EMF, GEF and XML Tools. Mylyn, on the other hand, sounds very interesting, perhaps even useful. :)
It is unknown to me how clean or easy a plugin un-installation is. I always prefer leaner & cleaner environments (lesser probability for contention), so the easiest route seems to be installing "Classic", removing PDE, then adding Mylyn.
Hence, Classic.