



can i make, that when compiling in the adhoc-profile, i made for xcode, pack it into a zip complaining to itunes or an ipa, give it an automatic name (optional ... and copy it to a network-path ?

so, what is really my problem: i think i understood, that in a past-build-phase i can run a shell-script. but i haven´t done many shell-scripting now. can i zip on osx with the shell and for this case in a simple way ?

and can i let the message "no provisioned iphone connected" be gone ?

why ? i want, that some company-internal people can load my software without email-spamming on each new release.


ok, build and archive builds at least the .ipa automatically. the rest might be just a second click and a script. so if no one has a more elegant solution, this is enough
