I am new to LDAP and JNDI. I have setup a LDAP server with SSL using OpenDS and a client which uses JNDI to access LDAP.
What can I do to ensure that I am really communicating via SSL to the LDAP server? This is because I don't really see any difference from the client side when i am trying to accessing LDAP via SSL and without.
Any directions would be appreciated.
I have setup the LDAP server using OpenDS. The directory only consist of 1 user. It's DN is uid=defaultuser,ou=User,o=IT,dc=QuizPortal. The LDAP port = 1389 and SSL port = 1636. The default port 389 & 636 is currently being used by some other programs. I have also selected an option of generate self-sign certification.
The below is the code from the Client side. It basically do a simple query of the user's attributes.
public static void main(String[] args)
String INITCTX = "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory";
String MY_HOST = "ldap://KhooGP-Comp3:1389";
String MGR_DN = "cn=Directory Manager";
String MGR_PW = "password";
String MY_SEARCHBASE = "ou=User,o=IT,dc=QuizPortal";
String MY_FILTER = "uid=defaultuser";
String MY_ATTRS[] = {"cn", "telephoneNumber", "userPassword"};
//Identify service provider to use
Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, MY_HOST);
env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
// Create the initial directory context
InitialDirContext initialContext = new InitialDirContext(env);
DirContext ctx = (DirContext)initialContext;
System.out.println("Context Sucessfully Initialized");
SearchControls constraints = new SearchControls();
NamingEnumeration results = ctx.search(MY_SEARCHBASE, MY_FILTER, constraints);
while(results != null && results.hasMore())
SearchResult sr = (SearchResult) results.next();
String dn = sr.getName() + "," + MY_SEARCHBASE;
System.out.println("Distinguished Name is " + dn);
Attributes ar = ctx.getAttributes(dn, MY_ATTRS);
if(ar == null)
System.out.println("Entry " + dn);
System.out.println(" has none of the specified attributes\n");
for(int i=0; i<MY_ATTRS.length; i++)
Attribute attr = ar.get(MY_ATTRS[i]);
System.out.println(MY_ATTRS[i] + ":");
for(Enumeration vals=attr.getAll(); vals.hasMoreElements();)
System.out.println("\t" + vals.nextElement());
catch(Exception e)
I have also did netstat as per adviced and there is a communication on port 1636. So does that means I am really communicating on SSL already???