I try to install a bundle in an OSGi environment (FUSE ESB) but do not manage to get it resolved. The error message is:
The bundle could not be resolved. Reason: Package uses conflict: Import-Package: de.foo.bar; version="0.0.0"
My bundle imports the package de.foo.bar. The bundle which exports the package de.foo.bar does this with a 'uses' directive.
Export-Package = de.foo.bar;uses:="{other packages}";version="2.4.0"
As I understood I have to ensure that my bundle must import all other packages mentioned in the 'uses' directive of the de.foo.bar package (in the right version).
I checked this and also tried several version changes (0.0.0 and the real version numbers) but can not get it to work.
So, what does the error message realy means (maybe I understood it wrong)? What do I have to check?
Thanks for any help
System Information:
- FUSE ESB 4.2.0 (based on servicemix)
- using maven-bundle-plugin 2.1.0 to generate OSGi MANIFEST header