



There are some scripts that I use only via ajax and I do not want the user to run these scripts directly from the browser. I use jQuery for making all ajax calls and I keep all of my ajax files in a folder named ajax.

So, I was hoping to create an htaccess file which checks for ajax request (HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH) and deny all other requests in that folder. (I know that http header can be faked but I can not think of a better solution). I tried this:

ReWriteCond %{SERVER_URL} ^/ajax/.php$
ReWriteRule ^.*$ - [F]

But, it is not working. What I am doing wrong? Is there any other way to achieve similar results. (I do not want to check for the header in every script).


Just check for if($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']=='XMLHttpRequest'){ at the beginning of the document, if it's not set, then don't return anything.

edit Here's why:

edit 2 My bad, just read through your post again. You can alternatively make a folder inaccessible to the web and then just have a standard ajax.php file that has include('./private/scripts.php') as your server will still be able to access it, but no one will be able to view from their browser.

I like the idea. However, I have to pass a parameter to the ajax call to distinguish which 'private' script to call. Since the ajax calls are spread in number of files, this is not practical in my particular case.