I'm trying to use Python to concatenate a few javascript files together before minifying them, basically like so:
outfile = open("output.js", "w")
for somefile in a_list_of_file_names:
js = open(somefile)
The minifier complains about illegal characters and syntax errors at the beginning of each file, so I did some diagnostics.
>>> r = open("output.js")
>>> somestring = r.readline()
>>> somestring
'\xef\xbb\xbfvar $j = jQuery.noConflict(),\n'
>>> print somestring
var $j = jQuery.noConflict(),
The first line of the file should, of course be "var $j = jQuery.noConflict(),"
In case it makes a difference, I'm working from within Windows.
Any thoughts?
Edit: Here's what I'm getting from the minifier:
U:\>java -jar c:\path\yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar c:\path\somefile.js -o c:\path\bccsminified.js --type js -v
[INFO] Using charset Cp1252
[ERROR] 1:2:illegal character
[ERROR] 1:2:syntax error
[ERROR] 1:3:illegal character