Preface: I'm making a map of the 50 US States using imported images.
I'm using a piece of XML to import image paths into Loaders, and then using the Loaders to populate multiple movie clips (this works fine). I find myself now needing to import SWFs in the shape of each US State as a hitTestState for the 50 buttons. It's been suggested I use a seperate Class to define the new button states, but I'm afraid my programming skills haven't evolved far enough for me to understand how I can:
a. pass the XMLList information containing the SWF paths to a new class b. populate the hitTestState (s) of the 50 buttons with a for loop
Here is the function I've been using to populate the images into the individual buttons. I figured I would use this same function to generate or populate a button into which I could send the SWFs as hitTestState.
private function populateButtonImages(): void {
//var hoverState:StateBut = new StateBut();//
for(var i:int = 0; i <= total; i++){
offLoader = new Loader();
hoverLoader = new Loader();
//hitLoader = new Loader();
var offName:String = pathage + _activeImage[i].toString();
var hoverName:String = pathage + _hoverImage[i].toString();
//var hitName:String = pathage + _hitState[i].toString();
offLoader.load(new URLRequest(offName));
hoverLoader.load(new URLRequest(hoverName));
//hitLoader.load(new URLRequest(hitName));
this["button" + i].offImage.addChild(offLoader);
this["button" + i].hoverImage.addChild(hoverLoader);
//this["button" + i].hitButton.addChild(hitLoader);
//this["button" + i].hitButton = new StateBut();//
this["button" + i].hoverImage.mouseEnabled = false;
//this["button" + i].buttonMode = true;
//moves hover image to more appropriate location over button
this["button" + i].hoverImage.x = _hoverOffsetX[i];
this["button" + i].hoverImage.y = _hoverOffsetY[i];
I've commented out the lines for my original attempt at adding the SWFs to the clips as hitStates.
In a perfect world, I would like to just make 50 buttons, populate the up, over and hitStates of the buttons and not have to worry about performing hitTests on MovieClips and a variety of other problems I've already solved so far.
Help? Advice is welcome. Knowledge is power.