UPDATE -- working on getting WAMP with phpDeveloper/Xdebug going. I still want NetBeans -- I just want to compare, see if I get some insights.
I am using NetBeans 6.9 with LAMP and Xdebug to work on PHP code. The Variables display works well, but lately it works less well. For example below, $authorized should be visible in the Variables pane below the code and should expose its value. But it doesn't show, nor its value, and mousing over the code doesn't help. (The $this object is showing and it does go on and on, but $authorized isn't in there, and it wouldn't make sense if it were.)
This behavior is consistent. Maybe it's a function of the complexity of the code? Or rampant object usage? it seems to have started when I took up CodeIgniter.
Of course the variables are hidden when I need them most ... or so it seems to the poor human. What am I missing?
There's a better example below. When I'm stepping through this code, Variables displays only Superglobals and $this, just as in the picture. I can't see any values, even mere strings.
(Nagging thought: I bet the $CI SuperObject has something to do with all this ...)
class Product_documents {
function getProductImage_all($id)
//Return an array of all documents for this product
$imgPath = $this->_getProductImage_folder($id);
$arrayPossibleFilenames = $this->_getProductImage_possible_files($id);
foreach ($arrayPossibleFilenames as $imgFile) {
$imgPathFull = $imgPath.$imgFile;
$file_exists = get_file_info($imgPathFull);
if ($file_exists)
$arrayFilesPresent[] = $imgPathFull;
return $arrayFilesPresent;