I'm building a web application that guides my users through the configuration and installation of an application. It builds a set of configuration files dynamically, then sends them in an archive (.ZIP file) along with an installer for the application. The web page is generated from a linux shell script (sorry), and for security reasons, I'd prefer the file be sent directly from the script, rather than as a link, so the user can't access it directly.
Here's the process: Once the user has entered some information, and the files have been generated, I want to display a page with instructions, then start the download automatically, without asking the user to click a "download this file" link:
echo_header_and_instructions # Standard HTML
<Magic HTML tag to start transfer> # ??? What goes here???
command_to_stream_the_files # Probably 'cat'
echo_end_tags # End the page.
Thanks for your help!