I have a problem to transpose my sql request in the orm.
Well, this my sql request :
SELECT DISTINCT accommodation.id from accommodation
LEFT JOIN product on product.accommodation_id=accommodation.id
LEFT JOIN date on date.product_id = product.id
WHERE date.begin> '2010-08-13';
So i want all the accommodations for a period, without doubloon.
My models are like this :
class Accommodation(models.Model):
class Product(models.Model):
accommodation = models.ForeignKey(accommodation)
class Date(models.Model):
begin = models.DateField()
product = models.ForeignKey(Product)
So for the moment i do that :
dates = Date.objects.filter(begin__gte=values['start_day'],
accommodations_dict = {}
for date in dates : accommodations_dict[date.product.accommodation.slug] = True
accommodations = Accommodation.objects.filter(slug__in=accommodations_dict.keys())
Well, it works, but it's slow, I have a lot of dates.
So I think I can get these accommodations with sql, but I don't know how ?
if you have an idea, thanks.