I have an AIDL-accesible service that downloads files via FTP, and uses FTPClient to obtain the file stream. The service obtains the host path and the file path and FTPClient.getFileStream() returns a fileStream for some files I have tested that are around 1MB in size. However for large files, the getFileStream returns null, and THROWS an NULL exception object. Not a NullException object, but an Exception that is null. My phone proceeds to freeze completely and then restart.
The strangest part about it however, is that I have created a separate Android application entirely where I have hard-coded the host and file-path for the same large file and it works fine. This is being executed this time in an activity.
I have verified over and over that the host and path strings match exactly, and cannot for the life of me figure out why the service gets a null, and dies.
Here is the code for the working Activity:
String userName="anonymous";
String passWord = "[email protected]";
String ftpAddress = "";
String retrieveFromFTPFolder = "/2/PSX-PAL/";
String strLine;
DataInputStream inputStream = null;
BufferedReader bufferedReader = null;
FTPClient client = null;
FTPFile[] ftpFiles = null;
int reply;
client = new FTPClient();
//FTPClientConfig conf = new FTPClientConfig(FTPClientConfig.SYST_UNIX);
client.login(userName, passWord);
//ftpFiles = client.listFiles(retrieveFromFTPFolder); //retrieve list of files from ftp server
InputStream myFileStream = client.retrieveFileStream("/2/PSX-PAL/Metal Gear Solid (Demo) (E) [SLED-01400].7z");
inputStream = new DataInputStream(myFileStream);
bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
//save file from ftp to local directory
File fileToWrite = new File("/sdcard/Metal Gear Solid (Demo) (E) [SLED-01400].7z");
java.io.FileOutputStream fos = new java.io.FileOutputStream(fileToWrite);
java.io.BufferedOutputStream bout = new BufferedOutputStream(fos,1024);
byte data[] = new byte[1024];
int x = 0;
// Must call completePendingCommand() to finish command.
if(!client.completePendingCommand()) {
System.err.println("File transfer failed.");
Here is the code for the mysterious server:
String userName="anonymous";
String passWord = "[email protected]";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("ftp://(.+?)(/.+/(.+))");
Matcher m = p.matcher(completePathToFile);
String hostPart = m.group(1);
String pathExcludingHostIncludingFirstSlash= m.group(2);
fileName = URLDecoder.decode(m.group(3));
String tempFileForZip = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + GlobalVars.getSaveLocation(context, searchResult.getConsole()) + fileName;
boolean mkdirresult = (new File(tempFileForZip)).getParentFile().mkdirs();
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(tempFileForZip));
java.io.BufferedOutputStream bout = new BufferedOutputStream(fos,1024);
FTPclient = new FTPClient();
boolean loggedIn = FTPclient.login(userName, passWord);
InputStream myFileStream = FTPclient.retrieveFileStream(URLDecoder.decode(pathExcludingHostIncludingFirstSlash));
DataInputStream instream = new DataInputStream(myFileStream);