



I am trying to consume a .NET web service (secured with SSL and WS-Security - UsernameToken) with Axis (in Java).

I don't operate the service, I'm just building the client.

The operator of the service turned off SSL and WS-Security, and we got everything communicating properly.

Then, they turned SSL on, and everything was still working (with a couple of changes).

Now, they have turned on WS-Security, and I'm trying to add WSS4J to my implementation to get everything communicating properly.

I followed the Axis Deployment Tutorial. I created the deployment descriptor file, the password callback class, then specified the descriptor file in the client programmatically.

I recompiled and tried invoking the service with no luck. In fact, after adding WSS4J, there was no longer any SOAP envelope in the request at all, and I started seeing the following error: No message with ID "signature.Canonicalizer.UnknownCanonicalizer" found in resource bundle "org/apache/xml/security/resource/xmlsecurity"

Is it possible that I set something up incorrectly with WSS4J, or is it just not possible to use WSS4J over HTTPS?


I just had to update all of the jars and get rid of the old ones. Now it's working.
