



My web app has a secure area which users log in to via a JSP. The JSP posts the user name and password to a servlet, which then checks to see if the users credentials are valid. If they are valid then the user is directed to the secure resource. How can I ensure that users can't just navigate to the secure resource without validating first?

+5  A: 

A common approach is to set a token in the user's session i.e.,

session.setAttribute("loggedIn", "true");

or even

session.setAttribute("loggedInUser", "someUserName");

and check that on any page that should be secured. A good strategy is to perform the check using a servlet filter that you attach to any page to be secured. If they don't pass the check, the filter can redirect to the login page. Also see here:

This is a good article on using filters for authentication also:

Why would this approach be better than container managed authentication?
It depends on your needs. For a simple application, this is easier, but cma is a good robust solution for more advanced needs. As always, your mileage may vary.
I would prefer something like, session.setAttribute("user", userBean);Of course with no sensitive information.
Adeel Ansari

Make sure people always access your app through a single servlet, where the servlet dispataches the request to a JSP, and returns the resulting response to the browser. This way you will always be in control of what happens because there is a single entry point.

A different approach is to have a session variable (server side, or even in a cookie) which gets checked by each and every JSP which requires authentication.

+4  A: 

What bout using the security-contraint in your web.xml :

See, for example, this question:
Warren Blanchet

Security is really hard to get right. Much more than you would usually think. The use of a framework (Acegi comes to mind), or the standard "" section of web.xml as LenW pointed out is a must ! At least use a filter to handle the authorization part of your security.

I dont really like the solution of using a single point of entry (as suggested by Rolf). It seems to me like an artificial constraint put on your architecture. And there is a lot of good reasons to have multiple servlet in a webapp.

Whatever you do, dont use a technique where you rely on manual code on every page (like : every JSP begining with "if user_authentified ..."). You will forget to put it somewhere ...


According to best practices, you should put protected resources such as JSPs in /WEB-INF. Nothing in this folder can be accessed unless it is forwarded by a servlet. Therefore all of your JSPS, except for login and welcome pages (which can be declared in web.xml) should belong in this folder.
