




Can I use ECB (or some other project aware thing, like eproject, ibuffer, etc.) to enhance emacs's find-file goodness?

Imagine this scenario: I have several projects/directories specified in my ecb-source-path, let's call them Project1 and Project2, and they look like so:



I'd like to have find-file (or another command) work to find and jump to the files there without having to navigate to the ecb directories buffer, or have the buffers open already.

I guess my ideal usage scenario would be like so:

I'd like to C-x C-f baz (or another special command) to open Project2/baz.c. Going even further, I'd love if I could use something like ido's flex matching to get p2foo open Project2/foo.c.

¿C'est posible?

+1  A: 

If in your example you are in project1 foo.c, and you want to get to project1 bar.c, I think most of the project tools like ede, eproject, gnu global, idutils integration etc have "jump to file" type commands. I, of course, recommend the CEDET/EDE and ECB combination. The keybinding is C-c . f which is ede-find-file.

Setting up CEDET and EDE is pretty easy, but EDE knows only a small number of different project types, and you may need to configure it for your projects by hand which is less easy.

If you want to be in project1/foo.c and jump to project2/baz.c, you just need to use locate:

M-x locate RET baz.c RET

Now select from the list.

+1  A: 

You could use the filecache package to index the directories you want, then use ido to choose a filename from the cache. Here is one example; there are other implementations you can Google for.

+1  A: 

Take a look at find-file-in-project. It seems to me you're looking for something similar.

Bozhidar Batsov

I've written a package find-file-in-tags which enables you to open files in your TAGS file without specifying the path to the file. If there are multiple files that match what you've entered, you're prompted to refine your choice (or open all).

Additionally, if you have multiple work areas for the same project, find-file-in-tags uses a single TAGS file for all those work areas but opens up the file in the same work area as the buffer in which you are invoking find-file-in-tags.

Trey Jackson