



I want to display a zoom image (on mouseover) on top of certain images to imply 'click here to zoom'. I don't want to use a cursor.

I'm sure there's a good way to do this with javascript jQuery but I don't know it.

Does anyone have any good ideas?

+1  A: 

This jQuery plugin seems to do what you want, and you can easily customise it to fit your needs (i.e. implement click).

+1 for jQuery :)
Michael Robinson
A fellow Kiwi from the Tron. Greetings :)
That would work, except I need the ability to have the user click to open a larger version of the image. This script is using an <a> tag to display the small mag. glass image. Am I missing something?
Yep so do a view source and you'll see he's using the $("a.preview").hover(function(e){}. You can easily change that to use click(), but you'll need a separate function for closing the image (i.e. clicking the large version) since that's currently using the "mouseout" event.
+2  A: 


<a href='big.jpg'>
    <img src='mini.jpg' alt='a kitten'>
    <span>Click to view larger</span>


a > img + span {display: none}
a:hover > img + span {display: inline}

Then style however you like.

Thom Smith
Works perfectly!
One minor caveat: IE5 is unsupported.
Thom Smith

Do you want to use a zoom icon instead of the pointer cursor? Mozilla supports a zoom-cursor ( but you will have to face the problem on IE. Perhaps you can have a hidden div with your custom zoom-icon like: yourcursor then you can play with the images and jquery:

$('img.zoomthis').mouseover(function(){ var pos = $(this).position(); $('#zoomcursor').css("position","absolute"); $('#zoomcursor').css("top",;//You have to change this in order to place it right over your image $('#zoomcursor').css("left",$(obj).width()-30); //this too $('#zoomcursor').show();


