



I was hoping someone could tell me what is wrong here. I have three tables, LU_LOC_Suburb, Listings, ListingMessages.

Listings has the following columns


SuburbID (Coming from LU_LOC_Suburb)


ListingMessages has the following columns


ListingID (Coming from Listings)


I'm trying to create a Messages page where I first get all the Message for a User;

IQueryable<ListingMessage> Messages = from x in DBEntities.ListingMessageSet.Include("Listings")
                                      where x.Listings.Users.ID == UserID
                                      select x;

I then send this to a View, lets call it Messages for User.

I also limit the messages by listing by taking all the messages for a user and then only selecting the ones that are related to a particular listing;

Messages = from x in Messages
           where x.Listings.ID == ListingID
           select x;

I then send this to a View, lets call it Messages for Listing.

In my View Pages, I want to write the suburb name to screen which I can do by;

<%= Html.Encode(item.Listings.LU_LOC_Suburb.Name) %>

Now here's the problem...

This gives the error - Object reference not set to an instance of an object - when I DON'T limit the Messages by Listing (in the Messages for User View). I do not get this error when I limit the messages by listing.

I dont understand why this is happening. I know it's something simple and am hoping you guys can help me resolve this?

Thanks in advance,



Could it be that you haven't "Included" the "listings" in the Message query?

Thanks for the reply. Everything stems from the initial query where Listings is included. I am able to read the different listings - the problem is when I don't limit the messages by a particular listing, I cannot read the LU_LOC_Suburb table (this table is referenced in the Listings table).So, the first query (by user) doesn't allow me to read the LU_LOC_Suburb Column referenced in the Listings table, but the second query (where I take the results from the frst and further limit them by ListngID) allows me to read the LU_LOC_Suburb Column referenced in the Listings table.

As you may or may not know, IQueryable is a 'lazy' representation of the actual query. It is not executed until enumerated over. From your code sample, it seems like you're sending the IQueryable directly to your view. Not sure if that is 'wrong' but I always make sure the query is actually executed in the controller. You can do this by adding a ToList() to the statement, when adding it to your ViewModel (or ViewData).

I'm not saying that this will solve your problem, but it will make debugging much easier.

I had a go at that but no luck. It seems that the Listings results are filling when it's called to the view, however, all the tables related to the Listings table are null.

Just incase anyone stumbles past this post and is wondering how to overcome the problem, I found the solution here.

By using the .Include("RelatedTable.ParentTable") I've been able to get around the problem eventhough I still don't quite understand why it was not bringing in the related tables when I wasn't narrowing it down by ListingID.
