I'm on help debugging a friend's site which is complained have a long connection time.
When try inspecting it with Fiddler I saw the ClientDoneRequest and ClientConnected is quite strange :
URI requested : / ACTUAL PERFORMANCE -------------- ClientConnected: 11:40:07.859 ClientBeginRequest: 11:40:33.687 ClientDoneRequest: 11:40:33.687 Gateway Determination: 0ms DNS Lookup: 0ms TCP/IP Connect: 65ms HTTPS Handshake: 0ms ServerConnected: 11:40:33.750 FiddlerBeginRequest: 11:40:33.750 ServerGotRequest: 11:40:33.750 ServerBeginResponse: 11:40:33.687 ServerDoneResponse: 11:40:44.031 ClientBeginResponse: 11:40:44.031 ClientDoneResponse: 11:40:44.031 Overall Elapsed: 00:00:10.3437500
As you can see, ClientDoneRequest - ClientConnected is approx to 30s ...
I have checked around but have no idea what lead to this problem Somebody point me out please :S Thanks
P/S : Fiddler version