



I've tried using LaTeX and DocBook for documenting programming tools, to get PDF output. What I've found is that these tools are excellent in some ways - easily versioned, and generating very usable PDF manuals. But there is a serious flaw. Code-snippets cannot simply be cut-and-pasted out of the PDF.

With DocBook, the problem is the loss of whitespace - mostly for indentation, but any repeated spaces seem to get stripped out. So, once you paste the snippet into a text editor, you'll need to clean up the indentation and vertical alignment. Not too much hassle for two or three lines, but it quickly gets annoying.

With LaTeX - well, it's a mess. The following was taken from a PDF generated using the LaTeX in MikTeX 2.8.

node myclas s
f f i e l d f i e l d 0 1 : i n t ;
f i e l d f i e l d 0 2 : ” char ” ;

The intended example is...

node myclass
  field field01 : int;
  field field02 : "char*";

Other than the fact LaTeX plays with the quotes, the intended form is what you see in Adobe Reader - but not much like what you get from a cut-and-paste. Don't ask me what's going on with the spaces, or why the braces turned into letters, or what happened to the asterisk - I don't know!

Mostly, I've noticed these things playing with ways of keeping my own personal notes, and just went back to other ways. Some notes are in HTML or plain text, so I can version them. Others are in an old Journal program I've used for years. But I've written a tool that I may want to release soon - and I'll want to include a usable PDF manual, which will need to include examples.

So - is there a way of creating PDF documentation where the code snippets can be easily cut-and-pasted? Preferably a way that allows me to keep "sources" in versioned text files.


Any solution must be portable. I will need to use it on Linux and on Windows XP.


It looks like this may be impossible.

I've tried printing from Notepad++ to the Adobe Acrobat Pro 7 printer driver. The resulting document looked fine, but cutting and pasting gave the same missing whitespace problems as occur with DocBook.

I tried using the touchup text tool in Acrobat Pro to add leading spaces. These are preserved when you save and reload - but when you select text normally in acrobat, they aren't included. You can only cut-and-paste including those spaces using the touchup text tool, so far as I can tell, which is obviously not included in reader.

In other words, this looks like a fundamental limitation - not of the PDF format itself so much as the tools that work with it. There appears to be a general assumption at work here that whitespace is insignificant - which for my purposes obviously isn't true.


One solution may be a "text field". I can add these fairly easily using Acrobat Pro, can set a fixed width font, enter multiple lines of text and make the field read only. In Acrobat Pro 7, the text in the field then isn't selectable - but in Reader 9 it is selectable and everything is preserved when you cut and paste.

The question is - can text fields be generated directly using some kind of markup language that is usable to create complete manuals?


I'd suggest enscript. I use it for producing archives and documentations. Also, you can merge multiple source codes ps'ed with enscript into another pdf.

I've just had a look, but I should have said that I'll need to run it on Windows. I know there's a Windows port, but it's the first time I've ever seen a Windows port that assumes it'll be running on a Unix-like system. Even the binary download assumes a Unix filesystem structure, only includes the original Unix-based install instructions, etc. I've really had enough of these it's-a-challenge-just-to-install-the-damned-thing programs, so this isn't going to work for me.
It looks like this may be an impossible mission - I'll update the question shortly
Accepted as the best answer I'm likely to get, though it didn't pan out.