My requirement is to detect port no to which any communication device is connected
also how we can add drivers of any communication device in package which can be installed along with installation of my package
My requirement is to detect port no to which any communication device is connected
also how we can add drivers of any communication device in package which can be installed along with installation of my package
Option Explicit
' Description: Scans machine using the WIN32 API for all available comm hardware
' Usage: main program calls the 'CommSettings' sub, passing the
' name of the communications control and a combobox name.
Dim CommCntrl As Control ' the communications control
Dim cmboPort As Control ' combobox to populate
Dim bNoComm As Boolean
Private Const MAX_COMM = 16 ' 32 max port # to check
Private Const GENERIC_READ = &H80000000
Private Const GENERIC_WRITE = &H40000000
Private Const OPEN_EXISTING = 3
Private Const FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED = &H40000000
Private Declare Function CreateFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileA" _
(ByVal lpFileName As String, _
ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, _
ByVal dwShareMode As Long, _
ByVal lpSecurityAttributes As String, _
ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Long, _
ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, _
ByVal hTemplateFile As String) As Long
Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Public Sub GetPorts(serialCntrl As Control, comboBox As Control)
' Usage: Pass the name of the communications control, a combo box, and the
' current com port setting in the calling routine.
Dim iCntr As Integer ' loop counter
Dim hRet As Long ' api return value
Dim sCom As String ' comm port name
On Error Resume Next
Set cmboPort = comboBox
Set CommCntrl = serialCntrl
Err = 0
' Close the port if it's open
If CommCntrl.PortOpen = True Then
CommCntrl.PortOpen = False
bNoComm = True
End If
' Scan for all possible hardware so we can display all available ports
' in the combo box. Dynamically adjusts for PC's with addin cards
For iCntr = 1 To MAX_COMM
' try to open the port.
' \\.\ required for ports > 9, works for all ports
sCom = "\\.\Com" & CStr(iCntr) & vbNullChar
hRet = CreateFile(sCom, GENERIC_READ Or _
hRet = CloseHandle(hRet)
cmboPort.AddItem Format$(iCntr)
Debug.Print iCntr
' dll error 5 = already open
' dll error 2 = no harware
If Err.LastDllError = 5 Then
cmboPort.AddItem Format$(iCntr) & " - Busy"
End If
End If
End Sub