I have a hashMap. Each "Value"is going to be a a list which will be mapped later on with my "Key"s. List is desired to look like this:
For example: Key{srcAddr=x, dstAddr=y, srcPort=12345, dstPort=80} value{(6523,0.001),(124,0.05), () , (), ...}
I just wonder how can I have a two-col arrayList.
package myclassifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class FlowStatics {
int packetLength;
double timeArrival;
public FlowStatics(int pLength, double tArrival)
this.packetLength = pLength;
this.timeArrival = tArrival;
} and here is how I used it:
final ArrayList<FlowStatics> staticsArray = new ArrayList<FlowStatics>();
final HashMap<Flows, ArrayList> myHashMap = new HashMap<Flows, ArrayList>();
FlowStatics flowStatics = new FlowStatics(packetLength,timeArrival);
myHashMap.put(flows, staticsArray);
and here is the part that I am reading it:
Iterator<Flows> iterator = myHashMap.keySet().iterator();
Flows key = iterator.next();
ArrayList value = myHashMap.get(key);
System.out.println("Fows"+key+"----------"+"Statics"+ value);