I want to check a variable in ruby to see if it has two leading zeros (00) If it does the 00 should be removed
How can this be done
I want to check a variable in ruby to see if it has two leading zeros (00) If it does the 00 should be removed
How can this be done
If you're talking about strings:
str.sub!(/^00/, "")
The regex /^00/
matches if the string starts with two zeros. sub!
will then take the match (the two zeros) and replace them with the empty string.
It's pretty easy to convert to an integer and convert back to a string:
irb(main):007:0> s="009" ; s.to_i.to_s
=> "9"
irb(main):008:0> s="004" ; s.to_i.to_s
=> "4"
irb(main):009:0> s="00999" ; s.to_i.to_s
=> "999"
or, for floats:
irb(main):003:0> s="000.45" ; s.to_f.to_s
=> "0.45"