



Hi people,

First ever question on stackoverflow! Yay!

Does anyone know a good sdk for reading and decoding 2d barcodes (preferably Datamatrix or QR) from within a Java ME application? The application will be closed source, and while I'd prefer that the SDK be free (perhaps MIT or LGPL licenses), I would not mind forking over some cash for a commercial license. I've come across the sdk but it's GPL and the links to the commercially licensed version does not seem to be working. There's also one from but it's also GPL and has sparse documentation.

Thanks in advance

+2  A: 

The only promising one I could find was ZXing

Arnold Spence
Thanks Arnold. Have you actually tried using it in a mobile app? What are the success rates in decoding? A very rough x out of 10 figure will do. The Apache license is perfect but they don't officially support j2me usage. I'm primarily a php developer and I don't know much about porting j2se code to j2me code, if that's even necessary. Thanks again.
Okal Otieno
I'm sorry, I haven't actually used it. Your question caught my eye because I had to find a barcode _generator_ for Java once. After reading your question and saw that you wanted a decoder, I was curious enough to look around to see what was out there and try to help.
Arnold Spence
I appreciate it. I'll give zxing a shot.
Okal Otieno
I am also working in a J2ME project with Zxing, I can say that for QR and barcodes is ok, but for Datamatrix, is very disappointing because it only works for clean images generated by code, not captured by a camera. Pls if you find a different option, tell me sth, I would need a valid solution.