I'm trying to compare the data within two files, and retrieve a list of offsets of where the differences are. I tried it on some text files and it worked quite well.. However on non-text files (that still contain ascii text), I call them binary data files. (executables, so on..)
It seems to think some bytes are the same, even though when I look at it in hex editor, they are obviously not. I tried printing out this binary data that it thinks is the same and I get blank lines where it should be printed. Thus, I think this is the source of the problem.
So what is the best way to compare bytes of data that could be both binary and contain ascii text? I thought using the struct module by be a starting point...
As you can see below, I compare the bytes with the == operator
Here's the code:
import os
import math
#file1 = 'file1.txt'
#file2 = 'file2.txt'
file1 = 'file1.exe'
file2 = 'file2.exe'
file1size = os.path.getsize(file1)
file2size = os.path.getsize(file2)
a = file1size - file2size
end = file1size #if they are both same size
if a > 0:
#file 2 is smallest
end = file2size
big = file1size
elif a < 0:
#file 1 is smallest
end = file1size
big = file2size
f1 = open(file1, 'rb')
f2 = open(file2, 'rb')
readSize = 500
r = readSize
off = 0
data = []
looking = False
d = open('data.txt', 'w')
while off < end:
b1, b2 = f1.read(r), f2.read(r)
same = b1 == b2
print ''
if same:
print 'Same at: '+str(off)
print 'readSize: '+str(r)
print b1
print b2
print ''
#save offsets of the section of "different" bytes
#data.append([diffOff, diffOff+off-1]) #[begin diff off, end diff off]
if looking:
d.write(str(diffOff)+" => "+str(diffOff+off-2)+"\n")
looking = False
r = readSize
off = off + 1
off = off + r
if r == 1:
looking = True
diffOff = off
off = off + 1 #continue reading 1 at a time, until u find a same reading
r = 1 #it will shoot back to the last off, since we didn't increment it here
#add the diff ending portion to diff data offs, if 1 file is longer than the other
a = int(math.fabs(a)) #get abs val of diff
if a:
data.append([big-a, big-1])
print data