



I like the Search And Replace Dialog of Excel 2010. I can enter data, see it replace in the grid behind AND THEN I can edit the data in grid without the Search/Replace Window disappearing/going into background.

The SearchAndReplace Window is not a Model dialog. And it also has not settings like "stay at Top" = true because switching to other open applications the Search/Replace Window with Excel together is going into the background.

What sort of Window is that?

Edit in grid behind but Search/Replace Window stays at top of the application BUT not at top of the operaton system!

public class MainWindow.cs

var window = new Window();
            window.Owner = this;
            window.WindowStartupLocation = System.Windows.WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner;
            window.Width = 200;
            window.Height = 200;
+1  A: 

In Win32 terminology, it's likely to be WS_POPUP, with its owner set to the top-level Excel window.

Different programming environments have different names for this kind of window. For instance, .NET WinForms calls it an owned form.

Tim Robinson
cool never heard of that property "Owner" I updated the Thread with little c# code sample I just tried. Nice behaviour!