I'm looking to find a WordPress plugin that ads an upload widget to my post editor to allow me to associate images with posts.
The end result is that I can add a bit of code to my theme's single.php file that allows me to load all of the images that reside in the folder matching the post id.
If no such plugin exists, I'm looking for some help on creating one.
Here's the way it would work..
Any images uploaded to a specific post, will go into a folder named after the post id. For example, if you are editing the post with id=420, the uploaded files will go into a folder named "420". There would also need to be some way to add or remove images from the folder without leaving the post editor (though FTP could be used for this as well).
To show post specific images, the single.php file checks to see if there is a folder under wp-content/uploads matching the post id. If it finds a match, it simply loads all the images it finds in the folder.