



i am using Zend Framework. some techniques i use currently

  • Zend_Debug::dump() (+die())
  • Zend_Log: to firebug/firephp

i particularly like the log to firebug, but when logging large objects, eg. doctrine 2 models (with many associated objects etc), i find that it slows down and crashes alot.

what alternatives are out there?

i currently use Notepad++, used Aptana Studio 3 b4, waiting for more php support, i think netbeans can debug php scripts is it? the step through debugger?

+1  A: 

The following IDEs support step through debugging:

  • eclipse (PDT)
    • Aptana Studio
    • Zend Studio
  • Netbeans

Note: Aptana Studio and Zend Studio are based on eclipse.
