Hi, I would like to build a method that outputs 1000 if the input number is thousands (eg. 3458), 100 if it is hundreds and so on. Is this possible? Please, sorry for my english.
Of course it is possible. Why don't you post what you tried and we can give you pointers on how to solve any problems.
As Steve said, it's probably a good idea to give it a little try yourself first, then come to SO with a specific question (i.e. "I am doing X, this is my code, why isn't Y happening?").
However, as a small hint, assuming you have pure numeric input (i.e. it will always just be a stream of numbers, with no ","s or the like) you can actually do the working out using just strings - no need for working with numerical types (int, etc) at all...
(Okay, thinking about this, there might be a little math right at the end to get the final result of '100' or '1000' etc, but not much.)
Simple math:
Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(n) / Math.log(10))) // for given n
To expand on what Yuval offered, if you don't care about the sign of the number (that is, input values of, say, +3456 and -3456 should both return 1000), you can just use the absolute value of the input:
return Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log( Math.abs(n) ) / Math.log(10))); // for input n
And if you want to handle all possible numeric inputs, you could also handle the zero-value before doing your calculation:
if (n == 0) // for input n
return 0;
return Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log( Math.abs(n) ) / Math.log(10))); // for input n
log(0) is undefined, so you don't want to perform the calculation if n == 0. You'll get a funny answer (if you even get an answer... I didn't run this code). Given the description of the problem you provided, I think returning 0 when the input is 0 makes sense. Zero isn't in the thousands or the hundreds or the tens or the ones -- among the integers, it is its own category. So you could return 0. Or you could throw an exception.
A loop can be used to avoid using double and an eventual rounding problem (if transforming the result to int
The loop variable starts with 1 and is multiplied by 10 each pass while the (next) result is less than the input number.
Negative and zero input need a special handling.
The Java tutorials clearly describe what you're looking for.
Its not fancy, but its simple and readable.
private static void homework(int n) {
if (n > 9999) {
System.out.println("Really big");
} else {
if (n <= 99 ) {
System.out.println("Really small");
} else if (n <= 999) {
} else if ( n <= 9999) {
} else {
System.out.println("How did this get here? I'm not good with computer!");