



Hi all,

I recently upgraded a .NET 1.1 webservice to .NET 3.5.

After the upgraded web service was deployed our .NET 1.1 applications referencing this web service all threw the following exception:

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction....

The .NET 1.1 applications had a dynamic reference so the web service URL could be defined in web.config. To resolve the issue we updated/refreshed the web references in the .NET 1.1 applications and redployed.

However I'd like to better understand more about why this Exception occured so we can measure the impact on future upgrades. For example has the upgraded web service defaulted to a newer version of SOAP? or is something else at hand?

I'd appreciate any input, discussion or pointers to any info anyone can give me in advance :-)

