



Hello All,

As an experiment I'd like to set up a coldfusion page that will pull and display the status updates from my own facebook account and twitter accounts that fall within an input date range; similar to tools like


I assume this will involve working with the facebook and twitter apis, which I have some experience with when working with mobile apps; but I've never tried to do something like this with a coldfusion page before. Eventually I'd like to pull other things like images and such, but for a first test just status updates is fine. Does anyone have sample code and/or pointers that could assist me in this endeavor? Thank you very much in advance.

Edit: I'm interested in a variant of this idea involving a database, and I've opened up a new question regarding such:

+2  A: 

For Twitter see this..

Bradley Moore
Thanks this definitely seems to be part of the puzzle.
+2  A: 

In addition, you should check out RIAForge, which has CF code to handle both Twitter and Facebook APIs.

Tony Miller
Thanks this looks interesting. I;'m assuming your referring to:
I notice that the twitter one is a year old and the facebook one is two years old; does that make them obsolete (with the changes to oAuth and the new Open Graph API, etc)?
A good question, but you can always choose from one of the other APIs that might see more activity (the links I posted are searches on RIAForge; there are multiple hits for each social network).
Tony Miller
+2  A: 

Have a look at this coldfusion wrapper for the twitter API here, really easy to set up and grab the data from your twitter feed.

I also use the twitter4j library to access my twitter account on my coldfusion site, I followed the tutorial here to get started.

Yeah, I also use the twitter4j java class. Highly recommended.
Jordan Reiter
K, checking those out as well.