I present a List from WCF and client receives DocTypes[]. No prob there.
current situation is where client my only accept 1,2 out of 100 DocTypes. What is best way to condense the [100 ] to only 2?
I have this code for marking what user checked off of grid.
foreach (GridViewRow rowItem in gvDocTypes.Rows)
chk = (CheckBox)(rowItem.Cells[0].FindControl("chk1"));
if (chk.Checked)
DFO[y].Process = true;
This is the schema for the data collection:
private System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject extensionDataField;
private int DocTypeGroupField;
private System.Guid DocTypeIDField;
private string DocTypeNameField;
private int DocTypeNumberField;
private string ErrorMsgField;
private bool ProcessField;
Best practice I think is to name a clone of this object and add as needed in my iteration through the grid. I just can't get my starting point in a new array?
Have tried this:
Service.DocTypes dfo = new Service.DocTypes() ;
Service.DocTypes[] DFO = (Service.DocTypes[])Session["oDocTypes"];
Service.DocTypes[] oDFO = DFO.Clone();
What am I missing?