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Examples of GoF Design Patterns
Currently studying patterns stuff, and this one lacks concrete examples. Would you help me to fill missing cells in a table illustrating design patterns with concrete examples from Java 6 SE/EE APIs?
In the end I'll update this table with your contributions. Thanks.
Pattern name Illustration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Abstract factory 2 Builder 3 Factory method java.util.Calendar.getInstance() 4 Lazy initialization 5 Object pool 6 Prototype java.util.ArrayList.clone() 7 Singleton java.lang.Runtime 8 Adapter 9 Bridge 10 Composite 11 Decorator java.io.BufferedWriter(Writer out) 12 Facade 13 Flyweight 14 Proxy 15 Chain of responsibility 16 Command 17 Interpreter 18 Iterator java.util.Iterator 19 Mediator 20 Memento 21 Null object java.util.Collections.EMPTY_LIST 22 Observer 23 Specification 24 State 25 Strategy java.util.Comparator 26 Template method 27 Visitor
EDIT: Thanks to @BalusC for pointing to his brilliant answer.