



I am scraping sites, and I am doing this one at a time, and then trying to get the results to display AS I get them. I am trying to render one TR at a time, but instead, it does every single one, and then renders ALL the TRs.

Here is the call to javascript:

<body onload="getOffers(companies , {$scraped}, {$isbn13});">

Here is the JS/Jquery function:

function getOffers($company_ids, $scraped, $isbn)
        $.ajaxSetup({cache: false});
        for(var $id in $company_ids)
                    url: "../get_offer.php", 
                    data: "id=" + $company_ids[$id] + "&isbn=" + $isbn + "&code=" + $id, 
                    dataType: "html",
                    success: function(data) {
                                $("#results tbody:last").append(data);
        return true;

And here is the PHP page:

require_once 'scrape.php';
require_once 'include.php';
$id = requestValue('id');
$isbn = requestValue('isbn');
$code = requestValue('code');
$page = curlMultiRequest(isbn10($isbn), $id);
$offer = getOffer($code, $page[$code], isbn10($isbn));
print "<tr><td>". $offer['company']."</td><td>". $offer['offer_new'] . "</td><td>" . $offer['offer_used']."</td></tr>";

I tried returning the sting I am printing, but that didn't even work. How can I make it print each table row to the screen as the data is retrieved?

EDIT: so I tried adding this:

print "<tr><td>". $offer['company']."</td><td>". $offer['offer_new'] . "</td><td>" . $offer['offer_used']."</td></tr>";

To the PHP and it didn't work. I don't understand, if I throw an alert, it happens on the fly for every ID, but the html rendering does not.


It may have magically fixed itself because your browser was caching some of the javascript. You should use some developer tools to manually flush the cache of resources for the host you are testing on to avoid old code being subtly used ....
