I am scraping sites, and I am doing this one at a time, and then trying to get the results to display AS I get them. I am trying to render one TR at a time, but instead, it does every single one, and then renders ALL the TRs.
Here is the call to javascript:
<body onload="getOffers(companies , {$scraped}, {$isbn13});">
Here is the JS/Jquery function:
function getOffers($company_ids, $scraped, $isbn)
$.ajaxSetup({cache: false});
for(var $id in $company_ids)
url: "../get_offer.php",
data: "id=" + $company_ids[$id] + "&isbn=" + $isbn + "&code=" + $id,
dataType: "html",
success: function(data) {
$("#results tbody:last").append(data);
return true;
And here is the PHP page:
require_once 'scrape.php';
require_once 'include.php';
$id = requestValue('id');
$isbn = requestValue('isbn');
$code = requestValue('code');
$page = curlMultiRequest(isbn10($isbn), $id);
$offer = getOffer($code, $page[$code], isbn10($isbn));
print "<tr><td>". $offer['company']."</td><td>". $offer['offer_new'] . "</td><td>" . $offer['offer_used']."</td></tr>";
I tried returning the sting I am printing, but that didn't even work. How can I make it print each table row to the screen as the data is retrieved?
EDIT: so I tried adding this:
print "<tr><td>". $offer['company']."</td><td>". $offer['offer_new'] . "</td><td>" . $offer['offer_used']."</td></tr>";
To the PHP and it didn't work. I don't understand, if I throw an alert, it happens on the fly for every ID, but the html rendering does not.