TFMail was a popular CGI Form Mail script at one time.
Unfortunately, my client insists on continuing to use it. I hope that there are people who still use it and are experts in using it. The best documentation I can find is someone's home made reference sheet.
In my HTML form, I have an input named attachment1 :
<input type="file" name="attachment1" id="attachment1" />
In my trc config file, I specify the types the attachment can be
# Upload File Types
upload_attachment1: jpg jpeg pdf xxx
In the email template, I display the original name of the file:
Original File Name of Attachment 1: {= param.attachment1 =}
So I fill out the form, and attach a file called myImage32.jpg
BUT in the email, the file gets renamed and attached as attachment1.jpg
How or where can I specify the name of the file? I'm going to end up with hundreds on files named attachment1.jpg if I leave it like this.