I'm building a game which works as some type of a quiz. I ask user the question and when he submits the answer(click or touch correct answer) I need to refresh the page with some other question.
How should i implement this? How to wait for users answer and continue when onClick or OnTouch listener finishes? Should i use Handler class, intents or something else?
Thx in advance for help.
edit: I want next scenario: On the screen I have a question and 3-4 clickable ImageButtons. I'm building some of the layout dinamically from custom showQA() function. User choose the answer and if he clicked the correct answer i should start some type of animation on the screen. I've done that from the onClickListener. Now, i need to build layout again(show new question and answers) from the showQA() function which must be called after that animation showed to the user. How can i know when the onClickListener() finished its work?