
Make sure that you have endpoints defined without the www in your web config.

Hi Mike, Thanks for your reply. I've taken a look at this, but without result. I'll post the revised web.config for inspection shortly.
Mick N
web.config posted - no change in behaviour unfortunately
Mick N
Are the changes I made what you had in mind or would you change anything else?
Mick N

Because you're using absolute URLs as your endpoint addresses, WCF needs to see a specific host header in HTTP requests in order to bind to those addresses.

Web servers are no different; if they're configured for a specific host, the request headers must have the host name or they won't serve up content. However, multiple host names can be bound to web sites, however, so sometimes a site may be tied to both www.example.com and example.com. Also, some web browsers, if you go to example.com and get a 404 or if the DNS lookup fails, will automatically retry the request at www.example.com.

I think the easiest thing for you to do to resolve your issue is to modify your endpoint(s) so they are host neutral. For example:

  <service behaviorConfiguration="blah" name="WCFServ.EvalService">
    <endpoint address="/WCFServ/WCFServ.EvalService.svc" 

<!-- Just leave this out
    <add prefix="http://www.abcdomain.com/WCFServ/"/&gt;
Hi Jacob, Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I can't leave out baseAddressPrefixFilters, because this solves the problem of running the service on a shared hosting server. This is apparently the accepted solution to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/561823/wcf-error-this-collection-already-contains-an-address-with-scheme-http. I'll see if I can get the address specified how you've suggested though and report back.
Mick N
The 400 Bad Request is now a 404 Server Error in '/wcfserv' Application. Requested URL: /WCFServ/WCFServ.EvalService.svc. I tried a few pathing variants in the endpoint address and baseAddressPrefixFilter. No change in successful www. result. I also tried adding an extra prefix for w/ www but this brought back "This collection already contains an address with scheme http" on www addressing.
Mick N

This page has some good explanations about WCF addressing: WCF Adressing In Depth.

Is your problem solved by adding the following attribute on your serviceclass?

Michel van Engelen
Hi Michel, thanks for the link, it looks like an interesting read. Unfortunately the attribute alone on my service class hasn't changed the result though.
Mick N
Hmm ok. Can you implement a custom host factory to see whether your service is reached at all? Google for 'CustomHostFactory ServiceHostFactory' and find several examples. Set a breakpoint in the CreateServiceHost function, make sure to kill the worker process before you test it, it's possible that the service is already running.
Michel van Engelen