Hi there,
I am converting a linux script from http://www.perlmonks.org/index.pl?node_id=217166 specifically this:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use File::Find;
@ARGV > 0 and getopts('a:', \my %opt) or die << "USAGE";
# Deletes any old files from the directory tree(s) given and
# removes empty directories en passant.
usage: $0 [-a maxage] directory [directory ...]
-a maximum age in days, default is 120
my $max_age_days = $opt{a} || 120;
wanted => sub { unlink if -f $_ and -M _ > $max_age_days },
postprocess => sub { rmdir $File::Find::dir },
}, @ARGV);
my attempt is:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use File::Find;
@ARGV > 0 and getopts('a:', \my %opt) or die << "USAGE";
# Deletes any old files from the directory tree(s) given and
# removes empty directories en passant.
usage: $0 [-a maxage] directory [directory ...]
-a maximum age in days, default is 120
my $max_age_days = $opt{a} || 120;
wanted => sub { unlink if -f $_ and -M _ > $max_age_days },
# postprocess => sub { rmdir $File::Find::dir },
postprocess => sub {
my $expr = "$File::Find::dir";
$expr =~ s/\//\\/g; # replace / with \
print "rmdir $expr\n";
`rmdir $expr`;
}, @ARGV);
However I get an error when the script tries to remove a directory saying that the directory is in use by another process (when it isn't). Any ideas? I'm running the script on Windows Server 2003 SP2 64-bit using ActiveState 5.10.