Following is a test case which tests the working of org.dbunit.Assertion.assertEquals(ITable a, ITable b)
public void testAssertion() {
try {
//Creating actual table with 2 columns
DefaultTable actual = new DefaultTable("table_name",
new Column[] { new Column("col1", DataType.INTEGER),
new Column("col2", DataType.VARCHAR) });
actual.addRow(new Object[] { 1, "ABCD" });
actual.addRow(new Object[] { 2, "BABCD" });
actual.addRow(new Object[] { 3, "CCGF" });
//Creating expected table with same 2 columns
DefaultTable expected = new DefaultTable(expected
expected.addRow(new Object[] { 1, "ABCD" });
expected.addRow(new Object[] { 2, "BBCD" });
// Check the actual vs expected
Assertion.assertEquals(actual, expected);
//This should return a test failure since actual & expected are different.
//But its not throwing any test case failure.
} catch (DataSetException e1) {
} catch (DatabaseUnitException e) {
Here both the DefaultTable's values are mismatched and still JUnit is not failing the above testcase. I am running it from the eclipse and it results in 0 Errors and 0 Failures with an Unrooted Tests under the testcase like as follows,
testAssertion [Runner: JUnit 4]
[+] Unrooted Tests [Runner: JUnit 4]
I debugged the DBUnit API and it is throwing data mismatch exception as required, but finally when returning from SpringJUnit4ClassRunner it is not thrown as a test case failure.
I suppose something I am missing here. Pls correct me or let me know a solution for this. Thanks in advace.