




What is the best eBook for a beginner in Hibernate?

+1  A: 

"Hibernate In Action" would be my choice.


Hibernate documentation available at http://www.hibernate.org/ would be a good place to start along with roseindia tutorials.

+2  A: 

I'd suggest to take a look at this free knol : Nhibernate by Fabio Maulo, it's a link to the first chapter (total: 20 chapters). Also:


The online Reference Documentation is a good place to start, especially the Chapter 1. Tutorial.

And for the "absolute reference", get Java Persistence with Hibernate (a revised edition of the old Hibernate in Action). Here is what the authors write about this book:

We had three goals when writing this book, so you can read it as

  • A tutorial for Hibernate, Java Persistence, and EJB 3.0 that guides you through your first steps with these solutions
  • A guide for learning all basic and advanced Hibernate features for object/ relational mapping, object processing, querying, performance optimization, and application design
  • A reference for whenever you need a complete and technically accurate definition of Hibernate and Java Persistence functionality

As stated, it's the absolute reference (880 pages), it allows to go as deep as you want.

Pascal Thivent