



Previously, in rails 2.3.8 i used the prototype-helpers link_to_remote and form_remote_for (amongst others).

These had the option :update as follows:

link_to_remote "Add to cart",
  :url => { :action => "add", :id => },
  :update => { :success => "cart", :failure => "error" }

(an example from the documentation). This example would, upon success update the html-element with class "cart", and upon failure the class "error".

Now i believe the modus operandi has changed, instead we write:

link_to "Add to cart", :url => {:action => "add", :id =>}, 
    :remote => true

and there is no option to set :update anymore. Instead of a normal html, we now render javascript, like this (in jquery) :

$('.cart').replaceWith(<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => 'cart') %>)

but how do you handle an error situation? Do i handle it in my controller, and use seperate views?

It would seem useful to me to somehow be able to mimic the behaviour we had before. Any ideas?

+2  A: 

Ha! I found it described in this article. In rails.js the following callbacks are checked:

  • ajax:loading : triggered before executing the AJAX request
  • ajax:success : triggered after a successful AJAX request
  • ajax:complete : triggered after the AJAX request is complete, regardless the status of the response
  • ajax:failure : triggered after a failed AJAX request, as opposite to ajax:success

As the javascript should be unobtrusive, this coupling is not done in the HTML.

An example (from the same site) : the following Rails 2.3.8

<% form_remote_tag :url => { :action => 'run' },
        :id => "tool-form",
        :update => { :success => "response", :failure => "error" },
        :loading => "$('#loading').toggle()", :complete => "$('#loading').toggle()" %>

is translated to this :

<% form_tag url_for(:action => "run"), :id => "tool-form", :remote => true do %>

and inside some javascript (application.js), you bind the events

jQuery(function($) {
  // create a convenient toggleLoading function
  var toggleLoading = function() { $("#loading").toggle() };

    .bind("ajax:loading",  toggleLoading)
    .bind("ajax:complete", toggleLoading)
    .bind("ajax:success", function(data, status, xhr) {

Great! :)
