



I have created a workflow using Sharepoint Designer 2007 using "Collect Data from a user" activity which has created a Task Content Type and its Edit Form (ASPX file). In this ASPX file I want to show couple of fields from the List Item on which Workflow is running; which will help the user filling in the Task Edit Form.

Is it possible within Sharepoint Designer? Can I use ListItemProperty in DataFormWebPart? How will I bind its ListItemId proerty to Workflow Item Id?

I have ASP.NET Development background; I can create a Server Control and place that in the ASPX; but i just want to sure that there is no out of box option within Sharepoint Designer before doing this..


Not sure about Designer but if you develop your custom task forms in Visual Studio you can access item properties in the code-behind class like this.

protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs ea)
        string listId = Request.QueryString["List"];

        SPList taskList = Web.Lists[new Guid(listId)];
        taskItem = taskList.GetItemById(Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["ID"]));

        Guid workflowInstanceId = new Guid((string)taskItem["WorkflowInstanceID"]);
        this.workflowInstance = new SPWorkflow(Web, workflowInstanceId);

        // Document library the workflow is associated with
        itemList = workflowInstance.ParentList;
            // Current document
            item = itemList.GetItemById(workflowInstance.ItemId);
             throw new Exception("Document associated with workflow task not found");

         string UrlToItem = string.Empty;
         string ItemName;
         if (item.File != null)
             ItemName = item.File.Name;
             UrlToItem = item.File.ServerRelativeUrl;
             ItemName = item.Title;
             UrlToItem = item.Url;