




Does the HBase Java client support multi-get (aka bulk fetch), kind of like memcached multi-get? I've scoured the docs and the Internet for at least an hour and couldn't find anything definitive. The HTable API offers multiple Delete and multiple Put, but does not have any obvious analogous call for Get.

To clarify, I am trying to Get disparate records, not a sequence of records. So Scan isn't what I would intuitively use.

I did read something on a thread (maybe on JIRA) about Scan offering equivalent functionality for batch random access using filters. If someone can confirm that this is the best practice, and maybe point me at the right type of Filter to use, then I'll go that route.


+1  A: 

There's no support for it in current hbase, but you can see it being worked on and grab a patch if you like for the support here:


Dave L.
Thanks Dave. I'll make sure to add JIRA to my short list before posting to stack overflow. :-)