The worksheet is sorted base on Column A (account number) first and then Column C (date).
I have below script that remove duplicate records and remain the most recent one.
Sub DeleteTheOldies()
Dim RowNdx As Long
For RowNdx = Range("a1").End(xlDown).Row To 2 Step -1
Do While Cells(RowNdx, "a").Value = Cells(RowNdx - 1, "a").Value
If Cells(RowNdx, "c").Value <= Cells(RowNdx - 1, "c").Value Then
Rows(RowNdx - 1).Delete
End If
RowNdx = RowNdx - 1
If RowNdx = 1 Then Exit Sub
Next RowNdx
End Sub
Sample data:
Column A Column B Column C 751063031 1605621498 03-JUL-10 751063031 5600003138 18-JUL-10 751063031 5600084443 17-AUG-10 754199715 1605621498 27-FEB-10 754199715 5600084438 17-AUG-10 757129104 5600084892 12-NOV-09 757129104 5600084438 17-AUG-10 757307416 1605621498 27-FEB-10 757307416 5600084438 17-AUG-10
Output of current script:
751063031 5600084443 17-AUG-10 754199715 5600084438 17-AUG-10 757129104 5600084438 17-AUG-10 757307416 5600084438 17-AUG-10
I need a modified version of the script to give the below output (delete the most recent and remain the rests)
751063031 1605621498 03-JUL-10 751063031 5600003138 18-JUL-10 754199715 1605621498 27-FEB-10 757129104 5600084892 12-NOV-09 757307416 1605621498 27-FEB-10