



I'd like to load a series of Swing Actions into a container at runtime and access them by a constant name as is possible with an Enum. The purpose of this would be to both restrict the Actions possible and also improve readability.

Initially, I was considering a sort of dynamic enum (see but as Java Drinker points out below this is unnecessary since the actions remain unchanged.

Ideally, what I'd like to do is a sort of wrapper that contains AbstractAction instances which could be enabled/disabled and be able to refer to each action through a symbolic name.

Edit: Question has been reformulated.

+2  A: 

You can do something like this:

public enum Actions {
    COPY( new AbstractAction() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            //do something
    PASTE( new PasteAction() );

    public final AbstractAction action;
    private Actions(AbstractAction action) {
        this.action = action;



And then as others have said, use the enum in conjunction with an EnumSet or EnumMap. Personally, I don't see a huge value in it over just having a few named fields without an enum.

I think what you really want is some kind of Action registry like this:

public class ActionsManager {
    private final Map<String, Action> actions;
    private final Map<User, Set<String>> enabledActions;
    public Action get(String id);
    public void register(String id, Action action);
    public void deregister(String id);
    public boolean isEnabled(User user, Action action);

Implementation left as an exercise.

Mark Peters
From what I understand from the question, I agree with this. If you're already dealing with Action objects, enums are redundant.The ActionsManager suggested by Mark would be the way to go.
Java Drinker
Thanks Mark! An action registry is a great idea. I'll see what's possible and post back here at a later date :)
James P.