I need to send integers greater than 255? Does anyone know how to do this?
Encode them into binary strings with Python's struct
module. I don't know if arduino wants them little-endian or big-endian, but, if its docs aren't clear about this, a little experiment should easily settle the question;-).
Alex Martelli
2010-08-17 23:46:41
Note: Arduino is little endian. You can swap endianess using struct module, I didn't have to though. Just for the record, I was on intel x86 mac osx 10.6.4. python 2.6.1, 64 bit.
2010-08-18 12:50:25
Here's how (Thanks for the idea, Alex!):
def packIntegerAsULong(value):
"""Packs a python 4 byte unsigned integer to an arduino unsigned long"""
return struct.pack('I', value) #should check bounds
# To see what it looks like on python side
val = 15000
print binascii.hexlify(port.packIntegerAsULong(val))
# send and receive via pyserial
ser = serial.Serial(serialport, bps, timeout=1)
line = ser.readLine()
print line
unsigned long readULongFromBytes() {
union u_tag {
byte b[4];
unsigned long ulval;
} u;
u.b[0] = Serial.read();
u.b[1] = Serial.read();
u.b[2] = Serial.read();
u.b[3] = Serial.read();
return u.ulval;
unsigned long val = readULongFromBytes();
Serial.print(val, DEC); // send to python to check
2010-08-21 22:55:19