Hi all,
I have an email xml file like this:
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
<email id="contract-expired">
<description>We send this email when we want to inform a user that a contract is coming up to it's expiration date</description>
<subject>Example: Contract Expiration</subject>
Dear %name%, <br />
foreach($contract as $value):
echo $value->getTitle()
You have %number_of_contracts% contracts that are due to expire in under 30 days. Please log in to example.com to review the contracts.
<br /><br />
This is an automated email. Please do not reply.
Dear %name%, You have %number_of_contracts% contracts that are due to expired in under 30 days. Please log in to example.com to review the contracts. This is an automated email. Please do not reply.
I have a class that processes the email template.
I.e. you set a parameter like so:
$mail->setParameter("name", "Jamie");
And when you call setContent it will do a str_replace on the content for %name% and all other parameters. Simple enough.
And then I realised, what if I need to do a loop in the template to list out all contracts etc. I'd have to do a php loop in the xml file, but how can I pass through an object and then execute the content as php and receive the output?
Any ideas?
Thanks guy!
EDIT: Just to be clear on something. I don't wish to build up the html and then pass it through as a parameter. I'm using symfony and thus I want to keep html out of the controller.
This is where it's being called:
public function executeContractExpired(sfWebRequest $request)
$mail = new Mail("contract-expired");
$mail->setParameter("name", "Joe Bloggs");
$mail->setParameter("number_of_contracts", 567);
$message = $this->getMailer()->compose();
$message->setTo("[email protected]");
$message->setFrom(array("[email protected]"=>"Automated Message"));
$message->setBody($mail->getHtmlContent(), 'text/html');
$message->addPart($mail->getPlainContent(), 'text/plain');
Doing something like (in the action):
$contracts_html = "<ul>";
foreach($contracts as $contract)
$contracts .= "<li>" . $contract->getTitle() . "</li>"
$contracts .= "</il>";
And then passing it through as a parameter:
$mail->addParameter("contracts", $contracts_html);
That method is just ugly.