



Hello everybody

The problem faced by most and me too is that how one can came to know that a web application making what request to which url(signature of the called method) and what response is coming for that request without touching logs or code of the application deployed on server(normally this is case with the live applications where no one allowed to be accessed after application is deployed). I 'm seeking suggestion for any opensource tool which can be used to grab and incoming and outgoing request http/https requests/reponses for multiple platforms Unix/Win/Mac. In normal practice I used firebug for these things but it is not meant totally for that purpose so it didn't give much helpful data. Please put comments for more information. Thanks in advance.



+3  A: 

Check out WireShark. You can run this and monitor traffic on interfaces without interfering with your code or interrupting the client/server communication.

Brian Agnew
+3  A: 

I would suggest Wireshark for doing such monitoring or Fiddler.
