



I have converted a textbox search to Google Search using :

location.href = "" + val;

But, I want options of Web Search, Image Search, Local Search & News Search.

I do have :

<tr height="40">
<td width="80%" align="center" ><input id="searchText" type="text" size="100"/></td>
<td class="searchbox" width="20%" align="center"><a href="#" onclick="startSearch()">Search</a></td>
<td width="0%"></td>

<td align="center">
<input type="radio" name="searchType" value="true"/> Web
<input type="radio" name="searchType" value="false"/> Image
<input type="radio" name="searchType" value="false"/> News
<input type="radio" name="searchType" value="false"/> Local

How do I filter this optiong using the same above link.

+1  A: 

First of all, you really should look into using the Google Search API, which will give you a lot more power and control.

But if you need something quick and dirty, you would want to select the URL before concatenating the query. Here are the urls:

"" + val;
"" + val;
"" + val;


So perhaps the thing to do is maintain a global variable that contains the current search URL, and then change that variable in an onclick function for each radio button.

Thank you.But the url : "" + val;is incorrect