Hi, I am just getting started using pycairo, and I ran into the following interesting error. The program I write creates a simple gtk window, draws a rectangle on it, and then has a callback to draw a random line on any kind of keyboard input. However, it seems that with each keyboard input, I have to create a new context, or I get an error at the moment the program receives first keyboard input (specifically, on the .stroke() line). Error is as follows, if it matters. 'BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)'. (Details: serial 230 error_code 9 request_code 53 minor_code 0)
#! /usr/bin/env python
import pygtk
import gtk, gobject, cairo, math, random
# Create a GTK+ widget on which we will draw using Cairo
class Screen(gtk.DrawingArea):
# Draw in response to an expose-event
__gsignals__ = { "expose-event": "override" }
# Handle the expose-event by drawing
def do_expose_event(self, event):
# Create the cairo context
self.cr = self.window.cairo_create()
# Restrict Cairo to the exposed area; avoid extra work
self.cr.rectangle(event.area.x, event.area.y, event.area.width, event.area.height)
def key_press_event(self, *args):
# print args
self.cr = self.window.cairo_create() # This is the line I have to add
# in order to make this function not throw the error. Note that cr is only
# given as attribute of self in order to stop it going out of scope when this line
# doesn't exist
self.cr.set_source_rgb(random.random(), random.random(), random.random())
self.cr.move_to(*[z/2.0 for z in self.window.get_size()])
self.cr.line_to(*[z*random.random() for z in self.window.get_size()])
def draw(self, width, height):
# Fill the background with gray
self.cr.rectangle(0, 0, width,height)
self.cr.arc(width/2.0, height/2.0, min(width,height)/2.0 - 20.0, 0.0, 2.0*math.pi)
#create a gtk window, attach to exit button, and whatever is passed as arg becomes the body of the window. AWESOME
def run(Widget):
window = gtk.Window()
widget = Widget()
window.connect("delete-event", gtk.main_quit)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Thanks for your help!
(Update: I was playing around, and I realized the following: when I resize the window, all new objects that were added get deleted (or at least don't appear anymore?) )